Friday, December 25, 2009

Poems and words

It is the first time a very dear friend wrote poems to me. I am really appreciative and I kept reading and reading them over and over again. The words of the poems will be deeply engraved in my heart. Thank you for writing those words to encourage and appreciate what I have done. It really spurs me on to want to continue to reach out and bless the people that God has placed in my path. Thank you dear brother for giving me the opportunity to be used by God to bless your life.
Now, although we are far apart, your words that you have written will continue to remain in my heart. Also, I believe the friendship that God has given us will stay strong and stand the test of time.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn to bless others with what God has given me. I pray that you will continue to grow closer and closer to our heavenly Father who loves us and desires to give us His best. To my dear brother and friend, you are God's beloved son and He is your Jehovah Provider. He will provide for you just as how He provided for the birds in the sky. So, continue to place your trust in Him and stay faithful, my dear brother and friend.


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