Thursday, June 08, 2006

Time for a good break

After a refreshing time at the retreat last week, I am now in the States, enjoying my final two weeks of my holidays in this country with my family. It has been a blessing to be able to travel overseas whenever I have a long break for at least two weeks, to just be away from the usual routine at home and spend time with my family.
Well, a bit more about the retreat I went last week. It was a relaxing time, just to listen to God's Word and also to relax physically, playing some ball games with the others and also to make and strengthen existing friendships within the ministry.
Currently, I am reading a book: " Dating with pure passion" . A friend recommended me to read it. Hope to finish reading it by the time I return from my holidays.
I just read a chapter today entitled " Spiritual marriage" . What the author wrote really struck me in the sense that he mentions our spiritual marriage in Christ is something that we should treasure and hold on to. The subsequent chapters talk about our so called " wedding gifts" from our spiritual marriage with Christ. Hmm, who would have thought that a book like this would highlight our spiritual marriage. Well, at the bottomline, in order for us to be fulfilled in life is not dependent on if we are married or single. What is more important is Christ's unconditional love for us that is sacrifical. Well, we as human beings may not be able to demonstrate such kind of love. And we can extend such love we experienced to the people around us.
Let me finish reading the book before I key in more of my thoughts and observations. Well, reading the book encourages my heart a lot as I aspire to stay focused on the Lord and run the race well. May God empower me with His grace and empowerment through His Holy Spirit.


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