Sunday, July 09, 2006

Single and satisfied

Today's sermon was on the title " Single and satisfied". Just a quick recap of the three points that the pastor spoke about.
1) Singleness is good.
2) Singleness is a gift.
3) Singleness is God-pleasing.
He used the passage from 1 Corinthians Chapter 7 to help the congregation to understand the gems from the Word. I am particularly ministered by the sermon and know that God is speaking to me in this aspect. Especially when he tried to counter argue some of the marriage myths that many people believe in. I am no exception.
Truly, many a times as human beings we tend to think that the grass on the other side seems to be greener. Oh, how often we fall into that trap. What ultimately to me I learnt over these years is to be contented in any and every situation. It is not easy and many a times, we may fail and that is when we need His grace and mercy. I believe God wants us in the various stations in our lives to live out the best. That it is no point thinking that " I will be much happier if I have this or have that" and ultimately what satisfies us is God and no other human being or thing in this world, like career or lots of money that ultimately satisfies.
It is my prayer that as I am in my stage now to learn what God is doing in my life at this point. And knowing that He is good, He knows what is the best for me and I need not be fearful but to continue to wait upon Him and learn to trust Him.


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